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ENGL 5 Argumentative Research Paper

Sources of Information

The three sources of information you will use are:

  • online databases
  • other online resources
  • books (print & ebooks)

Online Databases

The library subscribes to a number of online databases that you can use to research your topic. Databases contain scholarly journals, magazines, newspapers, and other sources of information. As databases are always being updated they are good for finding current articles about your topic.



Merritt College Library's Hot Topics Collection (located in the library directly behind the reference desk) is a good place to continue your search. These books cover a wide range of controversial issues. Each book provides background information on the topic and includes essays for and against the issue.

These titles are library-use.

Visit the library and ask a librarian if you need help.


In addition to the Hot Topics Collection the library may have other books on your topic that will be helpful in your research. Use the search box on the right side of this page to search the catalog.


The library has access to over 74,000 ebook titles. Use the search box on the right side of this page to search the collection.

To find books on your research topic, use the OneSearch search box below to look for title in the library catalog. You can search by keyword or by title.

EBSCO eBooks