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Google Scholar Basics

Google Scholar may be used to supplement discovery and organization of your information sources

Who Has Cited This Article?

One of the benefits of Google Scholar is that you have the opportunity to see how impactful an article was, based on the number of published articles that have cited a particular work. In general, the more an article is cited in scholarly journals, the more impactful, and perhaps foundational, it is.

Additionally, if you like a certain article, chances are that you might also find the articles which cited it to be useful to your work as well.

The number of times the article has been cited is located directly beneath the article.

Select the "Cited by" link to be taken to a list of articles which cite the original article in their bibliography or reference list.

To search within this list of "Cited by" articles,check the box "Search within citing articles" and input your search terms into the search bar.

Generating Citations For Your Reference List

Google Scholar includes a citation generator, allowing you to copy and paste or export formatted citations for your bibliography or reference list.

To obtain Google Scholar's suggested formatting, select the "Cite" link, beneath the article.


A variety of formatting styles are provided, including MLA and APA.

Warning!  Citation generators are frequently subject to errors. If you are using one, please check the formatting carefully.

The Merritt Library has helpful guides to assist you with checking your citation formatting:

If you have any questions about citation formatting, please ask your Merritt College Reference Librarians!

Exporting Your Citations

If you are using a reference management tool, you have the option to export your reference list (all saved articles or just one of your folders) by selecting "Export all" and then the desired export format.